"Watch night spalling to the western edge

of invisible, its cool surrender
to the peach-colored breccia
of sunrise clouds (just water
that has lately collapsed
into form)....
The shattered world's particulates
fall everywhere around us;
the call to prayer means bowing
and facing them all."
This is an excerpt taken from Maria Melendez's poem American Adhan. The poem was written a month after America was attacked by the most devastating terrorists attack. This poem seems to be speaking of the fact that the towers are no longer visible and how sad and dull the sky seems. The clouds are now visible where before the towers would have been hiding them. The sky seems to be peaceful and so normal considering the recent damage. You can still see scattered ash and smog that has fallen everywhere in the city. It is time to pray and face our enemy. I also feel the title has a strong significance to this poem. An American Adhan. A struggle between two cultures.
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