Thursday, May 6, 2010

The Monkey Wrench Gang by Edward Abbey

"They marched back the way they'd come, past the quiet, spayed, medicated machinery. Those doomed dinosaurs of iron, waiting patiently through the remainder of the night for buggering morning's rosy-fingered denouement. The agony of cylinder rings, jammed by a swollen piston, may be like other modes of sodomya crime against nature in the eyes of deux ex machina; who can say?" pg. 95
The detail in this passage gives a sense of how the author feels about machines. Refering to machines as a God, is very ironic. Abbey refers to the machine as spayed and medicated. Almost like a sleeping dog you don't want to wake. The machine seems to be resting and waiting for the mornings work. The words Abbey uses to describe this is very nasty and groteque. It's like the machine is this disgusting thing that is involved in disgusting acts.

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